Evil Carrot Tattoos!

So my friend Igor at DrivenByBoredom.com and I traded logo tattoos the other day. I’ve know Igor for close to 10 years, if you don’t know he runs an awesome blog/party photography site based in NYC. I got a bloody DBB logo and he got the Evil Carrot logo that I drew when I was 15 years old. He’s had a thing going for awhile where he encourages his fans to get DBB tattoos and I told him I would get one for awhile now so we finally did it.  Both tattoos were done by the awesome Jess Versus at Glamour Garage in Brooklyn, I highly recommend her!

He’s got 16 people so far and this has made me think about the other people in the world who have Evil Carrot tattoos. I know of 6 people now (myself included) that have the Evil Carrot logo, and have heard rumors of others in existence. The first person to get the Evil Carrot logo besides me is actually deceased, my dear friend Millie Medina. She handled the mail orders at Troma Entertainment back in the day and she used to include Evil Carrot zines with the orders. She told me she convinced a few of her regular customers to get the logo, so if you’re out there contact me!

I’ve been posting the logo in stickers and on flyers, on DVDs and on the web literally around the world for the last 15 years and it’s shown up in some odd places from that, so if anyone happens to come across this posting and has an Evil Carrot tattoo drop me a line at doug@iamanevilcarrot.com ! And any new fans or old friends that may want to get the mark of the Evil Carrot on their bodies let me know and we’ll work it out!

Millie Medina RIP!

~ by dougsakmann on February 26, 2011.

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